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发布时间:2015-05-12 10:03:04









  事关曲解本意——Alon Amit

  wts wrong wit dat question bro?

  wts ur problem?????

  y  r u editing my question

  plz dnt do dat

  Now, this paragraph is a piece of communication. I was able to understand it, so it worked, right? Well, certainly. It communicated the guy's unhappiness with my actions. But it also communicated much about his character and style. He's very cool, and he needs me to know that.


  Yes, language is communication. But the information conveyed by a piece of text goes well beyond the specific content of the words. How the sentences are formed, how the language is used, how much thought is put into the phrasing, all those things convey a lot of additional information about the author and the circumstances. 


  I don't insist that people use proper English. People can do whatever they want. I just encourage folks like Mr. Cool Guy to realize that their choice of wording conveys more about them than they may mean, and that is not something they can control (they can obviously control it by writing differently, but not by expecting people to read it the way they think people should. You control the message, not other people's minds).



  事关礼貌与教养——Joshua Engel

  You use different language to your boss, your spouse, your children, and your friends. This is one of the modes by which we establish our relationship. By speaking to me in the wrong mode, it connotes disrespect.


  There's also the matter of respect for my time. Even if I can puzzle out what you meant, it took me time to figure that out. I read familiar words faster than unfamiliar ones. By slowing me down, you're implying that you don't care how much effort it takes me to read it, and that makes it harder for me to care about what you wrote.


  事关尊重他人——Erica Friedman

  You might wear jeans and a t-shirt every normal day of your life, but there are a few days that this is absolutely not acceptable: at weddings and funerals. To your own wedding and funeral sure, but to show respect for someone else's important day, you go out of your way for them to dress nicely.


  When you are texting with friends, be as casual as you want. "'ssup" is fine, as is the expanded "wassup" or the phrase "what's up" or the more formal "what's going on." But when you meet your boss's wife, you really should stick with "How are you?"

  跟好哥们儿说”What’s up”是一回事儿,但面对老板的妻子你最好还是正式点说”How are you?”


  事关自我形象——James Martin

  You assume that language is purely a vehicle for communication. That is an incorrect assumption. Language isn't a container, it's part of the meaning you're conveying. The style you employ when using language conveys a lot of things to the listener. Among other things, it provides hints about the speaker's level of education and socio-economic class.


  Besides the rather complicated relationship between content and context, language is an art. Using it well--and well, especially in fiction, doesn't necessarily mean in accordance with standard usage--is something people enjoy doing for its own sake, just as a carpenter might enjoy building a chair well rather than sloppily. 


  Language use is also contextual. The sort of diction I'd use for a job interview differs from what I use around my friends. And it even varies depending upon which group of friends I'm around. Like most people, I'm more formal in written communications than in spoken ones.




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